1370.0 - Measures of Australia's Progress, 2013
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 14/11/2013
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This publication is designed to help Australians address the question, 'Is life in Australia getting better?' Measures of Australia's Progress (MAP) provides a digestible selection of measures in answer to this question. Australians can use this evidence to form their own view of how our country is progressing. This 2013 release presents a refreshed set of indicators and new areas of progress, based on a public consultation process. A copy of the consultation report can be found here.
This comprehensive version of Measures of Australia's Progress (cat no. 1370.0) provides a more detailed set of progress indicators than the annual summary publication of MAP Measures of Australia's Progress: Summary Indicators (cat. no. 1370.0.55.001).
You can view our summary video that presents a basic run down of what MAP 2013 is all about.
The following pages provide information about what MAP is, how it is developed, how to navigate this version and explains a bit about progress indicators:
- Preface - Provides an introduction to MAP 2013 by the Australian Statistician
- What is MAP? - Explains what MAP is, how it has evolved over time and how we define progress
- Presenting progress - Explains the approach that we have taken to present progress data
- MAP Dashboard and structure - Explains the Dashboard, how to navigate MAP and its structure, its graphs, and how to find further information
- Progress indicators - Explains what makes a good progress indicator, gives a summary of the 2013 indicators, the relationship between indicators and how we ensure they remain relevant over time
- References - For the about MAP chapter.